Main Street Revitalization Guidelines

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Through the efforts and vision of Russell's Main Street Revitalization committee, the face of Main Street in Russell continues to evolve into an inviting space for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike.  The majority of work to the streetscape was completed in 2011.  The wooden arches and sidewalk are adorned with lights along 4 blocks in the downtown core.  This is complimented by planters filled with colorful flowers in summer, seasonal décor in the fall and evergreen wreaths over the Christmas season. Visitors will notice the addition of new commercial buildings that house Vanguard Credit Union and the Tin House Coffee company, along with exterior enhancements to the multiplex and other retail shops and services along the business corridor.  Friendly shop keepers welcome visitors to view their wares while opportunities to enjoy a good cup of coffee, an excellent meal or drink with friends can easily be found.


For information on the Main Street Building Development and Design Guidelines:  Click here to view the Main Street Revitalization Guidelines